Nome dell'ente che lo ha realizzato /ORGANIZATION/INSTITUTE PRESENTING THE PROJECT: *:
EDUCATIONAL AND hUMAN RIGHTS INSTITUION African Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect
Southern Region
Paese/ Country:
Città/ City:
Descrizione del progetto/Describe the project :
The Project will be introduced February 2020. The focused ICT project will provide yo uths with practical skills that will give them more confidence, effectiveness and independence especially in the community and work. The project will introduce training on applications currently used in most organizations including private sector organizations. The focused ICT project will introduce skills that are required by employers as the project will train youths on GIS and GPS, Statistical Software and other relevant Microsoft office applications (Excel and Access). The project will be part of the ILACO (ANPPCAN Labor College). The project will have satellite centres in the rural areas.
Every human being below the age 18 years unless under the the law applicable to child majority is attained earlier UNCRC)
Rights refer to the basic rights and freedom to which all human are entitled. Example of right and freedom s which are often thought of as human rights include civil and polical rights, such as the rights to life and liberty.
Freedom of expression, and equality before the law, and social , cultural and economic rights,including the right to participate in culture, the rights to work, and the right to education
Categoria del progetto/Project category :
Educazione fino ai 15 anni/Up to 15 years
In che modo il progetto usa le tecnologie in modo innovativo/Use of technologies ...:
The project will use gadgets currently used by the Organizations hence ensuring attainment of the employability skill level of the participants. The Focused ICT project introduces Tablets, GPS Gadgets and Laptops that are not commonly used by the education systems in Malawi and are known to the youth at work level through training.
Indicare gli elementi di innovazione del progetto:/ What are the technological aspects of the project?:
Use of GIS and GPS gadgets
Use of Computers
Use of project based Applications
Quali sono gli aspetti tecnologici del progetto?What are the technological aspects of the project?:
Data presented using pictures and computers tables and graphs are more clearer than data generated other way. The Focused ICT project will increase computer usage at community level for accurate reporting and data representation for the improvement of projects at the local level.
Con quanti utenti interagisce il progetto?/How many users does the project interact with? :
Project targets 2000 youths in the Southern Region of Malawi
Di quali mezzi o canali si avvale il progetto?/Which media or channels does the project use?:
The project will use ANPPCAN Campus and Satelite cente
Il progetto è già stato replicato? /Has the project already been replicated? :
We are in five schools on trayal basis see the attached
Quali sono le aspettative future?/What are future expectations?:
Improved ICT knowledge among the youths with good reporting skills even at the local comunity level (Community Based Organization) by 90%.
Increased level of the number of the youth with employability skills and hands on computer knowledge bt 90%.

Durata progetto/project duration:
9 years
Tipologia dell'ente/Kind of organization:
NGO African Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect (ANPPCAN)