
Project Location



Organization Name: 
Liceo F. Cecioni
Organization Type: 


Privacy Law

Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali
Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
I do authorize the FMD to the use of my personal data.

Project Type

Education up to 18 years

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

"Siamo tutti stranieri ! "È un progetto COMENIUS che mira a far riflettere i nostri studenti europei su ciò che uno sconosciuto, che cosa significa essere" straniero ".Al di là delle frontiere nazionali, politiche, linguistiche, religiose, discutere e far riflettere i giovani partecipanti al progetto su cosa significhi essere straniero, in Europa ,oggi.

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

"Siamo tutti stranieri ! "È stato dapprima un progetto COMENIUS che ha voluto far riflettere i nostri studenti europei su ciò che uno sconosciuto, che cosa significa essere" straniero ". Tradotto in inglese, il termine ha molteplici sfaccettature: straniero, estraneo, alieno. In qualsiasi altro paese che non sia il "nostro", abbiamoun bel pensare di essere degli europei, noi siamo stranieri. Come siamo percepiti in altri paesi? Che cosa è un straniero ? Quali stereotipi, pregiudizi che sono in gioco? Nei nostri rispettivi paesi, chi sono "loro"? E che cosa significa "straniero" in un paese? una cultura? una lingua? Ciò significa innumerevoli realtà: Quali insidie​​? Quali promesse? Al di là delle frontiere nazionali, politiche, linguistiche, religiose, si tratterà di discutere e far riflettere i giovani partecipanti al progetto su cosa significhi essere straniero, in Europa ,oggi.
- Per mezzo di un dialogo dinamico, i nostri studenti hanno condiviso i loro pensieri ,le loro ricerche e le loro proposte durante tutto il progetto.alla fine del Comenius,il percorso di riflessione continua attraverso il cinema strumento per esplorare questo tema comune, ma anche per la produzione di film, notizie, opere plastiche,prodotti multimediali ecc. come prodotti comuni ed anche un sito web dedicato al progetto.. L'idea di un processo di collaborazione tra i partner, studenti e insegnanti è centrale per tutti i prodotti forniti e motiva la mobilità.
- Il progetto ha consentito agli studenti di costruire stretti contatti con i partner europei,di continuare ancora il confronto anche con scambi individuali di studenti,con realizzazione di brevi cortometraggi con i telefoni cellularie con l'esperienza pratica della cooperazione tra i diversi paesi al fine di divenire consapevoli coscientidel fatto che al di là delle loro differenze, siamo tutti cittadini europei.

How long has your project been running?

2011-08-30 22:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

Décaler son point de vue.
Le titre « Nous sommes tous étrangers ! » est aussi une invitation à « décaler » son point de vue. Ils’agit avant tout de placer les élèves (leur curiosité, leur inventivité) au coeur des projets et de mettre leurs idées à l’épreuve pour aboutir à des créations véritablement collectives, menées de bout en boutpar des élèves autonomes et responsabilisés. De cette manière, ils trouvent une motivation plus grande et une valorisation de leur travail.Chaque partenaire travaille sur la notion d’étranger dans son propre pays/sa ville. Ces recherches permettent aux élèves de questionner les stéréotypes induits par les étrangers, les préjugés, les fantasmes propres à leur pays et de les confronter à ceux de leurs partenaires. Ils peuvent ainsi s’approprier une part de l’histoire de leur pays, de ses migrations, de ses cultures plurielles et prendre conscience de la richesse de toutes ses communautés et des inquiétudes qu’elles suscitent.

Créer des perspectives
La synergie de ce projet se fonde sur sa dimensioneuropéenne qui ouvre de nouvelles perspectives à nosélèves, aussi bien pour la poursuite de leurs études que dans leur conscience de citoyens européens. Nos lycées y trouvent une nouvelle dynamique nourriepar un travail interdisciplinaire au sein de chaque établissement, et un réseau d’échanges international. Leur sentiment d’appartenance à une vaste communauté européenne, fondé sur la connaissance et le respect d’autrui, la tolérance et l’acceptation de cultures et de populations étrangères, sera renforcé. En associant d’autres élèves et d’autres classes à certaines actions pédagogiques et culturelles menées dans le cadre du projet, « Nous sommes tous étrangers! » rayonne au sein des établissements.


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
Chaque équipe a abordé et développé le thème à sa manière et réalisé, grâce aux échanges et aux voyages, des productions spécifiques en collaboration avec leurs partenaires : courts-métrages de fiction et documentaires, reportages photo, carnets de voyages, objets de design, jeux éducatifs. Les créations et recherches menées sur deux années scolaires ont permis aux élèves de se découvrir et de se questionner sur les stéréotypes et les préjugés associés aux « étrangers » dans leur pays et ceux des équipes partenaires. Grâce à cette confrontation, les élèves ont ainsi pu s’approprier une part de l’histoire de leur pays, de ses migrations et de ses cultures plurielles… pour mieux s’ouvrir aux autres et à leurs différences. Double satisfaction pour les participants qui ont pu développer un projet en équipe et approfondir leur compétences, notamment linguistiques, tout en développant les notions de citoyenneté européenne et de multiculturalisme. Canale You tube: On a évalué par des questionnaires aussi,notamment celui-ci:!__questionnaire-fr/vstc1=page-7
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

Circa 200 alunni e una decina di insegnanti


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
From 3 to 6 years
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
Less than 10.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Liceo Linguistico
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2014-08-30 22:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

Come costruire stretti contatti con i partner europei, con l'esperienza pratica della cooperazione al fine di divenire consapevoli del fatto che al di là delle differenze, siamo tutti cittadini europei.Inserire percorsi di questo tipo nella pratica didattica quotidiana che utilizza le Tic come strumento di creatività,apprendimento efficace e motivazione.Il percorso culturale europeo é stato inserito nel dispotivo Esabac attivo presso il Liceo Cecioni che porta gli alunni a conseguire il doppio diploma liceale (francese ed italiano) al termine del corso di studi curriculare:

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Barriers and Solutions (max. 1000 characters): 
Alunni, insegnanti e dirigenti delle scuole dei cinque Paesi partecipanti si sono incontrati nella sede della Mairie Di Parigi ed hanno presentato i loro video, i loro percorsi ad un pubblico eterogeneo formato, tra l’altro, da studenti ed insegnanti delle scuole parigine ai quali é stato presentata anche l’azione eTwinning. Il Console Generale d’Italia, Dottor Andrea Cavallari e la Dirigente Dott.ssa Daniela Gennaro hanno ricevuto una delegazione del Liceo Cecioni, composta dagli alunni in rappresentanza degli studenti del progetto e che studiano nell’opzione internazionale Esabac,dall'insegnante coordinatrice del progetto e dal dirigente del liceo Cecioni.. Il progetto ha ricevuto il label di qualità europeo eTwinning.
Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
continuiamo a motivare ulteriormente sia i docenti che gli alunni all’entusiasmo della progettazione europea ed all’efficacia del del vivere e studiare in Europa.Inserimento del percorso nella didattica curricolare . Utlizzo della "metodologia etwinning" facendone il fulcro della programmazione didattica in ogni classe:eTwinning é dunque lo strumento “duttile”, creativo ed efficace che ha consentito davvero di studiare in Europa; il percorso europeo ha fortemente sostenuto il dispositivo Esabac che prevede clil di storia in francese.

Project Location

Rionero in Vulture, PZ


Organization Name: 
Via S. Antonio, 6 85028 Rionero in Vulture
Organization Type: 
no source of founding


Privacy Law

Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali
Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
I do authorize the FMD to the use of my personal data.

Project Type

Education up to 10 years

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

The purpose of this project is to allow our students to acquire the necessary competences to live in the 21st century characterized by three important aspects: the Internet Era, the Multilingualism and the Globalization. It is founded on the use of eTwinning based learning in everyday school activities, in a cross curricular approach to different school subjects and functional to the achievement of the most innovative guidelines, both national and European, and the CLIL.( Mother tongue/ english).

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

The project is born from a collaboration between some teachers from different European schools, exactly the Istituto Comprensivo " Ex Circolo Didattico"" of Rionero in Vulture; Szkoła Podstawowa nr 9 im. M. Kopernika w Dzierżoniowie, Dzierżoniów, Poland; Agrupamento de Escolas da Lousã - EB nº2 from Lousã, Lousã, Portugal; CEP Virgen de la Guía, Portugalete, Spain. It's been recognized for a long time that the traditional school work and learning are no longer able to meet the needs of today's students. Many students start to become reluctant to learn and adopt disruptive behaviour in class, or drop school. This project, thanks to the use of eTwinning and ICT tools, allowed us to go beyond the traditional lesson, experiencing a new way to teaching and learning, based on the creation of an interactive, collaborative and motivating learning environment and the proposed of practical, inquiry-based tasks and open-ended problems. Students are been guided to find solutions and to learn through the exchange of ideas, research, collaboration, creativity, the assessment of their own work and that of others.. Students and their collective learning experience are at the center of learning. They are engaged in active learning and to work in teams on multidisciplinary topics fostering competence development and strengthening both individual and collaborative aspects of learning. The proposed activities have allowed the students to integrate the virtual experience with the real one (inside and outside of school) and rework it creatively through the use of technology.

How long has your project been running?

2014-08-30 22:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

The intent of this project was to integrate eTwinning in school activities as a cross curricular method, a way to overcome the traditional lesson model and promote the accomplishment of multidisciplinary and collaborative learning units/modules(attached Document: Learning Units). These were planned to address different topic and its objectives were set according to our schools curricula. All the competences was developed. - ICT, English and native language were used across the activities .The main one the communicative, oral and written but the scientific competence due to the themes chosen for the project, has been very well developed (internet, environment, recycling). We can’t forget the autonomy and personal competence because the students , guided by teachers, are the ones to carry out the project as they were the designers of the activities The Math competence, artistic and learn to learn were also important in the project This is a first attempt at a new approach to school thanks to the use of eTwinning. The project was approved by the Teachers Councils and integrated in plan of training (Spain and Italy)/ Activities Anual Plan (Portugal). For the objectives of various modules see the page Project of the eTwinning twinspace. Were used various Web 2.0 tools, such as google doc and Padlet for collaborative brainstorming, Google slides with a set of guidelines on digital citizenship and presentations, Prezi for the 'development of plan for a healthy living developed by students, free websites for image editing ,tools for creating / editing video or slides (windows movie maker, Slidely, Photopeach or other), YouTube to host videos, Madmagz for creating a collaborative e- magazine on environmental sustainability, ooVoo for the videoconferences, Sticky Moose voting tool (for the logo competition, Christmas songs and presentations), Thinglink, Myhistro (trip around the country) and Takl to show the 10th anniversary celebrations in each school.


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
<p>This project has enabled pupils to develop a number of 21st century competences: communication skills, interpersonal skills, intellectual skills, collective problem solving skills, cooperation, digital competence It involved all students actively in the learning process by stimulating their interest, creativity and motivation. allowing them a variety of experiences. The planned targets were met positively by the majority of pupils. The learning/teaching process improved, reaching higher results. The activities were continuously monitored through: observation of social behavior and cognitive, which take into account the level of participation, commitment, personal responsibility and mutual support in the various activities; conversations and discussions to see the changes that this experience has made compared to previous knowledge, the degree of awareness achieved by pupils with the proposed topics and learning strategies used; peer to peer review: final product. The experience was also positive for the teachers . They had the chance to experience new and exciting ways to interact with each other and met to discuss new teaching methods. enriching and growing professionally. Thanks to their mediation and the sharing of work done, they were organized meetings with the school community, the whole school community has benefited. The results were shared with the whole schools and some other classes not involved directly in the project also took part, spreading the project to other classes and teachers (for example in citizenship lessons). The project was also presented in the school blogs and the school magazine printed every month in school, so it reached all the members of school: students, teachers, parents and families.</p>
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

The project involved teachers and students from partners school, parents ( Italy), Teachers and students communicate and cooperate using ICT tools (email, videoconferences, eTwinning twinspace). The eTwinning twinspace gave the opportunity to the different project partners to stay in constant contact and keep constantly updated on the implementation of the various activities and progresses made, as well as to share ideas and materials. Apart from that, the relationship between the teachers involved has been continuous sending emails several days a week so the contact has been very close.


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
From 1 to 3 years
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
Less than 10.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2015-06-29 22:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

This project is a demonstration of how eTwinning is far beyond a simple e-learning platform. If well used it is a useful methodology to innovate, improve and make collaborative the process of teaching / learning playing a fundamental role in achieving the skills of the 21st century. Furthermore, the proper use of technologies can help to create a learning environment based on creativity, autonomy, language and technical skills and affects the relationship that children have with the school, focusing on the relationship and dialogue between peers , between students and teachers, by encouraging the exchange and cooperation from several European schools, strengthening and enhancing the ability of all pupils, encouraging their active participation in the world of education by reducing a inequalities and difficulties, motivating students to engage in learning, preventing any risk of early school leaving and lays the groundwork for the formation of active and responsible citizens, able to fit in an active and productive in a highly technological and globalized society.

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Barriers and Solutions (max. 1000 characters): 
<p>Shortage and lack of technology in our school. Equipping the school of suitable and functional technological tools.</p>
Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
<p>This project will continue in the future in relation to the activities provided for in the school curriculum of the various schools It would be good that he found a greater extent in our schools and that the school was equipped with spaces and functional tools.</p>

Project Location

Rionero in Vulture, PZ


Organization Name: 
Istituto Comprensivo “ Ex Circolo Didattico” Rionero in Vulture
Organization Type: 
no source of founding


Privacy Law

Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali
Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
I do authorize the FMD to the use of my personal data.

Project Type

Education up to 10 years

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

This project aims to guide students on a journey, an odyssey and an adventure in the world of classical mythology to discover the pleasure of reading, introduce them to the great wisdom of the past and grasp the character of actuality. Will be offered a range of activities aimed at the achievement of the European key competences and to develop pupils' creativity, critical thinking and ability to solve problems collaboratively

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

The project is born from the collaboration between some teacher and students belonging to the Institute Comprehensive "Ex Circolo Didattico" of Rionero in Vulture (Italy) and the 1st Primary School New Redestou, Thessaloniki (Greece). The idea that led us to realize this project is the fact that although it is widely recognized the formative importance of the reading, today's students continue to show little interest in this type of activity. Overcoming the traditional approach instrumental and technicist this project, by creating a learning environment motivating and collaborative, involves students in a series of creative and fun activities such as to involve them in their emotional, cognitive, communicative, relational, social sphere and turn their indifference to love for reading. Reading the book it has been integrated by the use of modern languages of communication and creatively reworked. Starting from the reading of the classical myths the students refined and processed informations, identified linkages and relationships, communicated and collaborated, made a path that led them to the creative use of writing. Through a series of tasks based and collaborative problem solving activities pupils were led to some important classical Greek and Roman myths, their heroes and characters to reflect on the values that they passed on to find in them a safe compass for orientation in a society based on insecurity, on appearance, and built on a value system increasingly tenuous, which is one in which we live. The collaboration and, therefore, the implementation of the project was realized according to the following plan Project Pupils have collaborated following the directions that were provided to them through the allocation of tasks and shown in the following page

How long has your project been running?

2014-08-30 22:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

OBIETTIVI: - ability to search - language skills - organizational skills - ICT skills - interpersonal skills - emotional skills - social skills - ability to solve problems collaboratively - creativity - metacognition - motivation - learn to learn - initiative and resourcefulness MEZZI:The TwinSpace of eTwinning and the collaborative tools of Web 2.0 have given the possibility of creating a highly collaborative environment. In particular, the students have used Google Drive to present classical myths and create modern ones working in small international groups, Stepmap for the realization of a geographical map, Slidely for sharing photos; Educaplay, Quizworks Quiz Maker, Quiz revolution, Edpuzzle for creating games and quizzes; Tagul and AnswerGarden for wordclouds; Padlet and Lino for brainstorming; Windows Movie Maker and Imovie for creating video, Stickymoose for voting.


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
<p>This project has allowed the students to develop the main 21st century competences through a variety of activities. The results of the activities implemented are published in the eTwinning Twinspaces. The activities were continuously monitored through: observation of social behavior and cognitive, which take into account the level of participation, commitment, personal responsibility and mutual support in the various activities; conversations and discussions to see the changes that this experience has made compared to previous knowledge, the degree of awareness achieved by pupils with the proposed topics and learning strategies used; peer to peer review: final product. At the end of the school year the students have made a video in which talked about the significance of the experience and with the teachers have carried out a SWOT analysis that identified the strengths and weaknesses with a view to a possible improvement next year The experience was positive for the teachers as well, who have had the chance to experience new and exciting ways to interact with each other and met to discuss new teaching methods. enriching and growing professionally. Thanks to their mediation and the sharing of work done, they were organized meetings with the school community, the whole school community has benefited.</p>
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

Teachers and students of the different partner schools, parents, the school community. The teachers have collaborated in the organization of the project, in the mediation with pupils, in the continuous monitoring of the same to check the progress of the activities and whether the planned proceeds smoothly. Continuously, even several times a week, teachers exchanged email to realize the performance of the project in different schools. The proposed activities were task based and collaborative problem solving Depending on the needs and the type of activities the students have worked in small international groups or group class. The publication of the various activities on the website allows members of the school community to follow and catch up the different activities


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
From 1 to 3 years
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
Less than 10.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2015-06-29 22:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

The project guides others, especially young people, to rediscover the taste and the pleasure of reading. Like fairy tales and cartoons or adventure film , also classical myths introduce the reader into a fantasy world full of adventures and new situations, can make him feel emotions and feelings, can make him dream. These myths contain a great lesson of wisdom that can still serve today to orient ourselves in the world in which we live. The project offers a journey which, starting from the reading of classical myths, through a series of activities of analysis, reflection, relationship, similarities, creation, the pupil becomes from user stories written by others in the maker and creator of modern myths. It offers an example of how the reading activity can be the starting point for a range of activities that involve the student as a whole, crucial to developing the 21st century skills and form an active, critical, creative individual, able to fit in a propulsive in the society in which he lives.

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Barriers and Solutions (max. 1000 characters): 
<p>The main difficulties encountered were related to the lack of technological tools functional to the implementation of the various activities planned. Consequently pupils often have had to encounter at home to carry out different consegne.L'utilizzo of collaborative tools, such as Google Drive, it has allowed the teacher to monitor the work of the students even outside of normal school hours. It is hoped that in future the school is equipped with PC, laptops, tablets useful to make the job more agile and streamlined.</p>
Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
<p>Plans for the future could be many. We could organize drama activities, competitions, a short film, visits to the main mythological places ... all this of course requires funding, time and external support. For the moment, the project will continue next year with new and interesting activities of discovery, reflection and creativity based on the use of the tools of Web 2.0</p>

Project Location



Organization Name: 
Organization Type: 

Privacy Law

Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali
Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
I do authorize the FMD to the use of my personal data.

Project Type

Education up to 18 years

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

Proporre la validazione da parte dei Dirigenti Scolastici di un apposito foglio di posizionamento individuale degli alunni Esabac che hanno effettivamente lavorato ed acquisito competenze TIc integrando Esabac a etwinning.

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

sabac ha nella classe virtuale allargata per mezzo delle ITC il suo “sbocco” naturale:per mezzo
strumenti offerti da eTwinning é possibile far vivere agli alunni Esabac la Francia ,la cultura,la
lingua,la metodologia ogni giorno,dalla propria aula.
E’ di fondamentale importanza per realizzare un tale processo formativo di qualità, che prevede
elle ICT, l’attivazione di forme di controllo e valutazione.

E’ quindi assolutamente necessaria una descrizione degli specifici contenuti della qualità.
Infatti, la qualità i un processo o di un prodotto può considerarsi data, quando questi
corrispondono alle richieste ed alle ttese codificate. Nel nostro specifico caso assumiamo come
standard di qualità gli esiti della ricerca ducativa sull’uso delle ICT ed i criteri di qualità
nella valutazione dei progetti eTwinning da parte ell’Agenzia Nazionale Italiana.
A questo scopo sono stati particolarmente utili i contributi del Ministero dell’EDUCATION NATIONALE
rancese che da ha tempo messo a punto un sistema di valutazione/autovalutazione che accompagna il
ercorso scolastico degli alunni d’oltralpe.
La didattica “tecno-costruttivista” contiene quei progetti in cui gli strumenti ecnologici vengono
usati per costruire una nuova didattica. L’attenzione è centrata sugli obiettivi educativi e
didattici, da raggiungere grazie alle nuove
ecnologie. Si esplorano nuovi orizzonti della didattica. I progetti Etwinning ( con l’uso degli
strumenti del Twinspace) ne sono l’esempio più appropriato anche perchè ne rendono possibile un
“suivi de parcours” d una valutazione finale.
n questa ottica, il computer è visto come un agente del cambiamento “strutturale” della didattica.
n’attenzione particolare é posta all’uso consapevole di Internet,alle regole della “netiquette” che
ientrano nel criterio di valutazione/autovalutazione del modello francese. Tali “regole” sono parte
ntegrante del percorso didattico e sono affrontate,discusse,spiegate, fatte “vivere” in corso
d’opera dal ocente stesso.
a sottoscritta docente di Francese Littérature presso il Liceo F. Cecioni di Livorno,ispirandosi ai
modelli idattici riportati in bibliografia,ha discusso ed affrontato il tema della valutazione
delle ITC nella didattica ornendo ai propri alunni Esabac/eTwinning, in fine percorso biennale (ed
in un caso alla fine del percorso iceale) degli strumenti di valutazione/autovalutazione sotto
forma di esercizi, moduli di google ed altro,
n cui la lingua francese è stata utilizzata nello specifico linguaggio .

Gli alunni hanno utilizzato tali strumenti ed hanno potuto essere “posizionati” ad un determinato
livello del uadro di riferimento specifico francese. La certificazione del livello ottenuto è stata
riportata su un
Foglio di Posizione” e sottoscritta dalla Docente e dal Dirigente.

How long has your project been running?

2015-08-30 22:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

L'Espace virtuel eTwinning agit comme un récipient de ressources (matériel d'enseignement, outils de communication, plate-forme), un guide pour apprendre à travailler sur le net (liens vers des ressources internes) et il représente les archives des principales activités du projet mis en œuvre.Le travail pédagogique dans le twinspace devrait inviter les élèves à une utlisation moins banale de la technologie afin de leur permettre d'acquérir des compétences dans l'utilisation correcte des outils de communication ("Netiquette") et de l'autonomie dans la gestion des activités éducatives de différents types.L'Espace virtuel eTwinning (= environnement d'apprentissage virtuel ) se compose d'outils de base, mais fonctionnels ( forum, chats, emails, espace web pour les documents) et l'enseignant-tuteur gère le groupe / classe en présence et à distance, jouant le rôle de facilitateur et de professeur « en ligne » en plus du travail régulier de classe.
Le Twinspace est utilisé comme un outil de communication car il permet aux élèves et aux enseignants d'interagir.Inviter les élèves à se créer un «etporfolio»

Utiliser un cadre des compétences tice et langues

Positionner les élèves par rapport à leur niveau de compétences en langues

Positionner les élèves par rapport aux compétences tice acquises en travaillant dans l’eTwinning

Valider la feuille de positionnement


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
Les élèves du lycée Cecioni ont eu leur validation dans le cadre de leur parcours Esabac.
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

Les classes du lycée Cecioni qui travaillent au projet(60 élèves),les classes françaises,les profs


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
More than 6 years
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
Less than 10.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2015-08-30 22:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

validare le competenze tic e le competenze linguistiche

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
ampliare questa certificazione e renderla comune ad altri istituti ed altri livelli di scuola. Creare un gruppo di lavoro per ampliare questo percorso ad altre lingue

Project Location

Casole d'Elsa (SI), Toscana


Organization Name: 
"Arnolfo di Cambio"
Organization Type: 
il progetto non ha costi, si autofinanzia


Privacy Law

Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali
Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
I do authorize the FMD to the use of my personal data.

Project Type

Education up to 15 years

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

E’ possibile l’apprendimento di elementi pratici musicali di base senza l’opera di un insegnante iniziato al misterioso linguaggio musicale, solo con l’ausilio di tutorial informatici gratuiti ed accessibili a chiunque? Alunni italiani hanno realizzato video tutorial con software gratuito e alunni di 7 paesi europei hanno imparato da questi tutorial senza insegnanti a suonare le prime battute del proprio inno nazionale.

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

Sono stati scelti in comune i brani da imparare: gli inni nazionali dei paesi europei. Gli alunni italiani hanno realizzato i video tutorial usando VMPK ( Virtual midi piano keyboard, una tastiera elettronica virtuale reperibile gratuitamente su internet) e uno screen cast CAMSTUDIO (software gratuito su web); i video tutorial sono stati realizzati in inglese e caricati su youtube, disponibili per tutti gli alunni dei paesi partecipanti nei due anni (Ungheria, Romania, Grecia, Turchia, Lituania e Lettonia) insieme ad un video tutorial di base dove si spiega come trovare le note sulla tastiera. Gli alunni dei paesi stranieri si sono esercitati usando i video tutorial da soli, senza l’aiuto di insegnanti di musica (questa fase è stata comprovata da video). Infine l’apprendimento dei primi rudimenti musicali e l’esecuzione dei primi frammenti degli inni sulla tastiera, senza l’aiuto di insegnanti, è stato comprovato con video finali.

How long has your project been running?

2012-08-30 22:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

Gli obiettivi specifici del progetto sono: la sperimentazione dell’apprendimento della disciplina musicale senza l’ausilio di insegnanti specializzati, tramite mezzi informatici gratuiti; il proporre e realizzare a livello strumentale melodie caratteristiche delle proprie radici e allo stesso tempo percepire la stessa cosa vissuta dai partners; contattare realtà lontane culturalmente diverse, avvicinate tramite mezzi informatici; sviluppo della conoscenza musicale e facilitazione del primo approccio conoscitivo. I mezzi usati per raggiungerli sono stati: computer, internet, tastiere virtuali, screen cast, youtube, piattaforma eTwinning, posta elettronica, videoconferenze, video tutorial.


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
Gli obiettivi che ci eravamo preposti sono stati totalmente raggiunti: gli alunni hanno acquisito e appreso i primi rudimenti musicali pratici e hanno eseguito i primi frammenti degli inni nazionali, tutto senza l’ausilio di insegnanti di musica specifici. Molto importanti e significativi i rapporti umani e sociali che si sono sviluppati all’interno del progetto tra gli insegnanti e soprattutto fra gli alunni dei diversi paesi, i quali tramite i mezzi informatici (piattaforma eTwinning, Twin space, posta elettronica) si sono conosciuti e tramite la lingua inglese (e talvolta tramite la propria lingua, ad esempio nel caso di alunni italiani di origine romena con alunni romeni) hanno espresso i propri gusti, le proprie caratteristiche e le proprie abitudini. I criteri per la valutazione dei risultati raggiunti sono stati la visione dei filmati intermedi e finali, il nostro giudizio, il conseguimento delle certificazioni nazionali e internazionali di qualità in diversi paesi, i premi conseguiti, la risonanza e il riconoscimento negli organismi didattici scolastici e negli organi di stampa.
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

Dieci insegnanti coordinano le attività dei propri alunni, talvolta solo vigilando le attività autogestite dagli alunni, hanno rapporti tra di loro via e-mail, tramite twin space o per videoconferenza; duecento alunni circa di sette nazionalità diverse si esercitano usando i video tutorial, si conoscono tra loro usando il twin space, per e-mail o in videoconferenza.


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
From 3 to 6 years
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
Less than 10.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Scuola Secondaria di Primo grado
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2015-05-30 22:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

Possono sperimentare e valutare la possibilità della peer education con mezzi informatici; possono sperimentare e valutare la possibilità didattica tramite video tutorial, in assenza di insegnanti, della disciplina musicale.

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Barriers and Solutions (max. 1000 characters): 
In presenza di una sperimentazione di peer education tramite video tutorial realizzati e fruiti per via informatica, possono verificarsi difficoltà conseguenti ed implicite ad una struttura dove la gestione ed il coordinamento risultano essere necessariamente marginali. Il fatto che la funzione coordinatrice e gestionale degli insegnanti sia di fatto marginale e venga invece messa in risalto e rilievo l’autogestione dell’apprendimento da parte degli alunni, se da una parte risulta essere interessante ed entusiasmante, dall’altra può provocare fasi di stagnazione del lavoro. La soluzione può essere una attenzione preventiva al verificarsi del fenomeno unita ad un’osservazione attiva.
Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
Il progetto potrà essere ampliato, approfondito ed esteso. Ampliato e approfondito nella sua stessa struttura, moltiplicando i temi e gli argomenti musicali, approfondendo i caratteri tecnici che potranno essere più complessi. Il progetto potrebbe senz’altro essere esteso a molte altre scuole e paesi, data la sua natura potrebbe estendersi automaticamente solo con la presenza stessa di tutorial video disponibili gratuitamente in rete.

Project Location



Organization Name: 
Kindergarten of Kaparelli
Organization Type: 


Privacy Law

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Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
I do authorize the FMD to the use of my personal data.

Project Type

Education up to 10 years

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

Preschoolers Play and Learn English in a interactive way

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

When collaboration and work in synergy among 5 schools for 7 years is their new methodology of teaching, then they are always ‘hungry’ for ‘new stuff’ every year! So, we co-planned an alternative way with on-line and off-line activities for young pupils to know and love the target language through the realization of its importance and get joy of using effectively the ICT tools in order to achieve their little goals each time. Teachers supported children’s progress to higher stages aiming on each child’s language learning as it develops, and following his time needs.

How long has your project been running?

2011-08-30 22:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

We tried gradually to achieve specific targets in the school framework. For this we developed this project like this: Initial stage: New to English, we used simple language which was supported by visual materials, we expected that the pupils will eventually respond in the target language (English) providing a wide variety of activities that encourage interaction. Stage,2 –Becoming familiar with English, Here, single words are combined to communicate ideas. Basic communication and strategies are used in group activities or for simple interaction with other children. Stage 3 – Becoming confident as a user of English, Through different activities, both inside and outside the class, pupils have opportunities to practice English with adults and other children. Stage 4 – Demonstrate competency as a user of English, Pupils feel more confident in verbal exchanges and in collaboration with their schoolmates. Now they are able to explore more complex ideas e.g: a role play. Generally pupils used keywords & short sentences, enjoyed rhymes and action songs , developed listening skills in order to interpret simple instructions, learnt the names of common objects around them and expanded their vocabulary enjoying to listen to and dramatizing stories.


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
Pupils generally managed: To understand that language is something they can explore, play with, and enjoy. To develop and enhance social skills, a critical part of their lives. To Improve the understanding of their native language. To acquire the ability to communicate with people with whom without the knowledge of a common language would not be able to communicate. To enjoy learning another language. Even it was a pre-planned project by teachers, pupils achieved to improve skills and mainly motivation, so that to expand their project with more activities off-line, on-line than those we have planned and expected initially. They created extra pages in wikispace, concerning learning fields about Animals, Colors, Food, Plants, Shapes, Body. Extra page presenting favorite original GAMES pupils created in the classroom and another page including video about e-safety, an important parameter of this project.
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

Approximately 850 students, teachers, assistants, parents collaborated interacted for the best development of this project, using platforms like Wikispace, Youtube, Skype, Google docs and e-mail communication.


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
Less than 1 year
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
Less than 10.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2014-12-30 23:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
Where? By whom?: 
In newsletters for educators as the best European project of the year 2012, by the British Council. In database for Good Practices for teachers as a national winner of Excellence and Innovation, by the Greek Minister of education. In the annual congress of INSAFE in Cyprus, as the 1rst winner of the video competition 2012: Connecting Generations. In the e-Twinning conferences of Portugal and Latvia, as the 1rst national winner. In the annual ceremony event , as one of the 3 winners of the European Language Label 2012, by the Greek National Agency, IKY.
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

We believe this project offers a great motivation to teachers who choose to teach English to young students and inspiration by the spontaneous activities students freely created.

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
As this project was a plan developed from a distance, we strongly wish to meet each other face to face and discuss a farther step with new reflections concerning students teachers and local community. And what would we require to make this true? 5 travel tickets!

Project Location

Rionero in Vulture, Basilicata


Organization Name: 
Istituto Comprensivo " Ex Circolo Didattico" Rionero in Vulture
Organization Type: 


Privacy Law

Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali
Do you authorize the FMD to the treatment of your personal data?: 
I do authorize the FMD to the use of my personal data.

Project Type

Education up to 10 years

Project Description

Description Frase (max. 500 characters): 

The trip as an instrument of intercultural mediation

Project Summary (max. 2000 characters): 

The project was started by some needs perceived by some European teachers. Despite the different experiences made in the past, in our classes it is poorly feel the spirit of globalization. The classes see also the presence of some pupils of different nationalities or from socio-culturally disadvantaged families. This led us to feel the need to prepare our students to live in a multicultural and globalized society using an effective and engaging tool. The travel dreams have characterized the boys of every age and every country, but very often in reality it is not carried out for a number of reasons. So many of our students will never see what is happening around the place where they live and they will never know the wonderful city and places in the world. We have therefore thought to help our students to overcome these obstacles using the tools that technology provides us. The basic objective of the project was therefore to introduce the students to different cultures, to understand them and accept them using as a tool for mediation the logbook of trips made ​​by some characters, constructed by the students.
Idea of the project (identification of emerging needs students / teachers);
planning work (objectives-content-methods-time-resources-end product);
research tools available for the best implementation;
processing WebQuest;
choosing the genius representative of its country;
search of informations and presentation of the minigenius to the partner schools;
sending by postal mail of the minigenius;
welcome and familiarization of the minigenius at school;
organization of visits to places the most significant and beautiful in their own country and presentation of foods or typical events;
narration and documentation of experience in the logbook and in TwinSpace;
monitoring and evaluation of the experience and the work done;

How long has your project been running?

2012-06-29 22:00:00

Objectives and Innovative Aspects

To develop attitudes, behaviors, values, knowledge and skills needed to live in a multicultural and globalized world.
To promote intercultural dialogue.
To promote an attitude of respect towards other peoples and other countries, overcoming stereotypes and prejudices.
To improve the teaching and learning of the English language.
To increase the use of the technologies of information and communication.
To improve the relationships and the knowledge among schools in Europe.
To know about important characters or genius in Europe.
To know important and relevant features of some European countries.
To expand the knowledge and experience of all pupils participating in the project, including those with special needs.
To increase motivation and to enhance the quality of learning for all participants.

eTwinning, WEB 2.0 ( photo and video editing, presentations, slides, videoconference...) postal mail


Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters): 
Travel or go through a journey of others listening to the story, reading a logbook, looking at the images is a way immediate and nice to bring the students to different places, different culture, to admire the beauties of the world and broaden boundaries of their own experience. The project has therefore approached the students to new realities, brought them to understand and accept them and made them travel through a logbook of different characters representing the various countries and various cultures. The results of activities implemented were varied and very interesting. The whole project has further motivated the students as it is served to deepen learnings different from those proposed traditionally at school . Pupils have worked with classmates of foreign schools , exchanging material , creating work together and communicating outside of the design motivations and are thus arrived at concrete and solid friendships . In addition , the students were able to enrich their knowledge in various disciplines such as geography , history , science, art, but also the way they live in a family in a different culture with different traditions, education and thinking. So , collaboration , exchange, sharing, different intercultural approach through communication and information channels most challenging , the need to use a common foreign language ( English ) and the development of specific skills have made this project interesting , functional and appropriate to the objectives. The product is considered to be very good because of the positive impact on students, teachers, parents, community.  At this level of training experience must surely be greatly towards the growth of the students, the development of their ripeness , achieving a greater understanding and awareness of cultural diversity , and thus increase the attention and interest in the school itself, who is the promoter of the complex evolutionary process of students.
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters): 

Teachers and students of the different partner schools, parents, the school community. Teachers and students provide for sending and receiving of various mini genius, use the tools that the eTwinning portal provides as well as numerous Web 2.0 to narrate and document the several trips made by the minigenius, to communicate with each other or publish on the web. Parents work with pupils at home hosting the minigenius and accompanying children in different trips. The publication of the various activities on the website allows members of the school community to follow and catch up the different travel routes and get to know other cultures and environments.


What is the full duration of your project (from beginning to end)?: 
From 1 to 3 years
What is the approximate total budget for your project (in Euro)?: 
Less than 10.000 Euro
What is the source of funding for your project?: 
Istituto Comprensivo
Is your project economically self sufficient now?: 
Since when?: 
2014-04-29 22:00:00


Has your project been replicated/adapted elsewhere?: 
What lessons can others learn from your project? (max. 1500 characters): 

Ours was an attempt to overcome the various obstacles that prevent students to actually visit a place, to travel, bringing, thanks to the use of technological tools, some elements of the culture and the beauty of the various European countries to the knowing of all. Today we live in a global village where, although we're getting closer thanks to the diffusion of technological tools, tourism or migration processes often do not know enough about the person who stands with us nor his country of origin. Which brings us to look at each other with suspicious eyes. The project has approached the students to different cultures and brought them to understand and accept them. In a playful and enjoyable way pupils have known some important people and the contribution they have given not only to the culture of their country but worldwide; have enhanced their communicative, digital, social, organizational skills;have integrated the concrete experience with the virtual; have acquired basic knowledge and skills to become active and informed citizens in a multicultural and globalized society. Knowing Europe's cultural wealth through direct contact with the partner schools allowed pupils to feel part of Europe, Europeans, surprised by the differences or similarities that gradually showed in the uses and customs. For all these reasons, the project is an example of good practice that can be replicated in other schools

Are you available to help others to start or work on similar projects?: 

Background Information

Future plans and wish list (max. 750 characters): 
It would be desirable that the project was extended to schools in other European countries, and that they were involved a greater number of teachers and pupils, that particularly disadvantaged pupils have the opportunity to integrate the knowledge learned with actual trips, that the field of investigation was extended to other aspects of the culture of the various European countries


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