
What is the GLOBAL JUNIOR CHALLENGE ? We will tell you through protagonists projects of previous editions . 
What is the GLOBAL JUNIOR CHALLENGE ? We will tell you through protagonists projects of previous editions . 
What is the GLOBAL JUNIOR CHALLENGE ? I will tell through projects protagonists of previous editions .




 What is the GLOBAL JUNIOR CHALLENGE ? I will tell through projects protagonists of previous editions .

Che cosa è il GLOBAL JUNIOR CHALLENGE? Ve lo raccontiamo attraverso i progetti protagonisti delle passate edizioni! 

The appointment for the next edition of the GJC is in 2015 with a renewed format to face new challenges.


A quick look at the 6th edition of the Global Junior Challenge through all the news, photos and TV and radio reports that are now on-line.


 Professor Alfonso Molina’s address at the Global Junior Challenge 2012 Awards Ceremony.


Eighteen prizes were awarded to project from all around the world at the Awards Ceremony held at the Rome Campidoglio. 

The final event programme is on-line: three days of activities to promote social change.
